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EBC Trek-Basecamp Journey-featured image

In April 2024, I set out on my journey to the Everest Basecamp, not knowing that it would stretch the limits of my endurance, impart such valuable lessons and leave me spellbound with wonder!

This adventure wasn’t merely about reaching the foot of the world’s tallest peak, but a transformative experience that challenged my limits, deepened my connection with nature, and enriched my understanding of myself and the world around me.


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The Adventure Begins!

Our excitement and anticipation were palpable as our small aircraft descended towards Lukla, a tiny village perched on the edge of a cliff.

Lukla’s airport is legendary for its precarious runway, which sits at a staggering 40-degree incline ensuring that even a short 15-minute flight offered an unforgettable adventure.

However, we realized that the real adventure had only just begun when we learnt how notoriously unpredictable the weather was. Even the slightest veil of fog was enough to disrupt airline operations, bringing activity to a standstill. Interestingly, a mere 10-minute clearing in the skies can prompt the departure of five flights as there were no alternatives.

Yet, amidst the uncertainty, there was a sense of camaraderie among fellow trekkers, united by a shared sense of purpose and adventure.

Navigating the Trail

Setting foot on the trail towards Phakding, I felt a surge of excitement mixed with anticipation. The first day was intentionally kept easy, allowing us to ease into the journey ahead.

But as we continued onwards, the real challenge began to unfold. The trail ascended steeply, with a daunting 600-meter incline awaiting us as we made our way towards Namche Bazaar.

The absence of motorable roads became apparent as we ascended higher and higher, with suspension bridges becoming our primary means of crossing rivers and navigating the rugged terrain.

Each step brought us closer to the towering peaks of the Himalayas, yet also reminded us of the raw power and unforgiving nature of the mountains.


Faith and Patience amidst Adversity

As we ventured deeper into the Himalayas, the weather grew increasingly extreme.

One day, just prior to reaching Gorakshep, we found ourselves in Lobuche, where one of our fellow trekkers fell victim to altitude sickness. With no option but to descend, she was carried on a human stretcher to a nearby hospital, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurk at high altitudes.

Despite the challenges, we pressed onwards…The terrain was ever-changing, with landslides and snowfall posing constant threats. It took us hours to reach Everest Basecamp from Gorakshep, navigating treacherous rocks and icy trails.

Yet, as we finally set foot on the hallowed ground of Everest Basecamp, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and endless expanse, all thoughts of hardship faded away.

Fascinating Insights

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Everest Basecamp trek was the unique approach to measuring distance. Unlike conventional methods based on kilometers or miles, distance on the trail was measured in hours.

Even our experienced guides refrained from providing concrete estimates of how long it would take to reach our destination, highlighting the unpredictability inherent in trekking through the Himalayas.

Reminding us to remain patient and be open and accept the constantly changing nature of the rugged terrain, and how nature is in control.

The Power of Acclimatization

Acclimatization became paramount as we ascended to higher altitudes, with key stops at Namche Bazaar and Dingboche providing essential rest and adjustment periods.

Despite their remote locations, these bustling hubs offered a glimpse of civilization amidst the mountains, providing a welcome respite from the rigors of the trail.

Accommodation and Amenities

Our accommodations varied from luxurious tea houses in Namche Bazaar to humble lodgings in Lobuche and Gorakshep.

The scarcity of water and basic amenities served as a stark reminder of the harsh realities of high-altitude living, prompting us to appreciate the most mundane luxuries.

Amidst these challenges, the camaraderie of our trekking group and the hospitality of our guides provided a source of comfort and support.

Our Team

Our group comprised a leader of 17 individuals from diverse backgrounds, united by a shared sense of adventure and determination.

But it wasn’t just our fellow trekkers who played a crucial role, the local guides were the unsung heroes behind the scenes, ensuring our safety, comfort, and enjoyment throughout the expedition.

These guides, hailing from the surrounding Himalayan villages, were intimately familiar with the terrain, weather patterns, and cultural nuances of the region. Their expertise and local knowledge were invaluable as they assumed multiple roles depending on the needs of the moment.

In essence, our trekking team was more than just a group of individuals, we were a tight knit community bound by a shared sense of purpose and adventure.

Together, we celebrated every milestone, faced the trials and triumphs of the Everest Basecamp trek and forged bonds that would endure long after our journey had ended.

Sustainability at Everest Basecamp

As we reached Everest Basecamp, we were reminded of the importance of preserving the natural environment for future generations. Initiatives promoting waste management and recycling underscored the need for responsible tourism practices in this pristine wilderness. By supporting these efforts, we not only minimized our impact on the environment but also contributed to the well-being of local communities.

Vision for the Future – Trekking Infrastructure in North Bengal

As I reflect on my Everest Basecamp journey, I am reminded that the true beauty of adventure lies not in reaching the destination, but in the journey itself.

The towering peaks of the Himalayas served as both a backdrop and a catalyst for self-discovery, challenging me to push beyond my limits and embrace the unknown with courage and humility.

Looking ahead, I am filled with a sense of purpose and vision for the future. Inspired by my experience in the Himalayas, I am committed to recreating the same sense of adventure and exploration in North Bengal, a region known for its breathtaking beauty and untapped potential.

In collaboration with Inspiria’s 1001 Things, we aim to promote trekking culture and uplift the local communities, particularly the Sherpa and Llama community, who are the backbone of the trekking industry.

Together we are excited to unlock the hidden gems of North Bengal, showcasing its natural wonders and providing opportunities for adventure, discovery, and connection.